What do you do outside of training?  I am a French industrial design student and apart from Muay thai training I love practicing every kind of sport, spend some time in Paris (where I live) and discover new things especially the cinema world.

What has been the greatest adventure of your life?  Was being in Australia! I consider myself lucky, being on the other side of the globe, learning what I love and also while discovering a new culture, making new friends. What more could I expect?!

Do you have a saying or motto that you live your life by?  One motto that has helped in the past and will continue to help me is "We learn by defeat, we stand up and keep going!"

Where do you draw your inspiration from and why?  I draw my inspiration from Roger Federer. Everything he does is right, everything in his life is under his control. His career couldn't be greater and I truely believe he is also a good person.

What do you enjoy about Muay Thai?  Muay Thai is a complete sport, where I can feel my whole body activate and I can measure my will. I like to push my body to go beyond its limits because it is the only way to truely know myself. With Muay Thai I can do all those things and furthermore I get to learn a new skill.

What is rewarding to you about training?  How does this affect your life and work?: Because Muay Thai training gives you a nice body condition you always feel good in life, not tired. After I day of work nothing is better than a training to empty your minde about you day. Muay Thai would be the light in a very dark day!

What is rewarding to you about training?  How does this affect your life and work?  I feel Muay Thai training gives your body perfect conditioning. After a hard day of work nothing is better than going to training to clear your mind. Muay Thai would be the light in the darkest day!



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